Apple gives way to Mac – day 3 of Apple Stories

College was an eye opening experience for me.  Up until then my world was my TI and my PC.  I knew linear languages but nothing to deep.  Even grasping the concept of compiled languages was something new to me.  But one thing I knew were games. I started school out at SIU and lived in […]

Apple Jealousy – day 2 of Apple Stories

So for my 10th birthday, after all of the loving computer stuff, my parents did two things.  First, they took me to see War Games.  Second, they bought me a TI-99/4a computer.  The TI was no Apple but it was what I had and I loved it.  In fact, I had my TI for 8+ […]

My first Apple Adventure

Back in the 4th grade ( 1980-1981) I was introduced to the a TRS-80 in school and I was completed hooked.  I went to some friends house and they had an Apple computer and it was the first time I got to see a graphic adventure.  During the summer of 1981 I signed up for a […]

Steve Jobs…

In about 1 month it will be the four year anniversary of passing of Steve Jobs.  Steve passed away about 3 months before my wife passed.  I’ve been an Apple fanatic for a very long time and I’ve decided to do a daily update from now until October 5th.  Here’s to you Steve!

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 – 8.0

So let’s get this out of the way; I’m a Mac / iOS guy.  None of the Droid OS devices will beat out an Apple device from my point of view.  But I don’t want to debate that, I simply want to talk about my experience with this Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 that I was […]

MacBook Air 11″ – How has it held up

I’ve got a stock 11″ MacBook Air, the 4GB/128GB model.  It’s got an 1.6Ghz i5 processor and the only modification I’ve done is great skin on the top from Gelaskins. I wasn’t sure how I was going to like the 11″ screen but to be honest it’s been fine.  It’s running at a 720p resolution […]

MacBook Air 11″ – just some thoughts

I stopped by the Apple store today for lunch and found myself plugging away on an 11″ MacBook Air.  I have to say overall I’m generally impressed by what I saw.  The size of it and how you can set it in your lap and type away is really impressive. The fact that it doesn’t […]

Oh where are these iPads?

I’m anxiously awaiting my 3G iPad but something dawned on me, I haven’t seen one in the open. I ride a commuter train each day to and from Chicago and I would expect to see some city chic person with one. Plus I live in what would be considered an upscale neighborhood and would expect […]