Good Job Amazon!

I’m in IT, books and Google are just part of my life.  I subscribe to Safari Books Online because and I use it a lot.  I’ve got both a Kindle and my iOS devices and I have books across both.  But one in awhile there are books that I want to own.  I call/categorize these as […]

Apple’s App Store vs. ???

This past week I read about Amazon’s entry into the application download space for the Mac.  The question that rang through my head is whether they can do it right.  From what I read there were already things that it can’t do and in some instances you have to download and install the application itself. […]

Would you still buy from Amazon if you had to pay taxes?

Currently Amazon is arguing/fighting to preserve its position where it does not have to collect taxes in states where it is not physically present.  The following snippet is from an article that I read (link provided): “In its 1992 Quill decision, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a state could not require a retailer to charge […]