It’s April 21st and…

I gave up McDonalds for myself and for my children.  If you have kids then you know how easy it is to stop in for fries and a quick meal.  Since early December 2014, my kids and I have been to a McDonalds once.  And that visit was for a Sundae while waiting for mom to finish shopping.  Really proud of this!

Last month I gave up Facebook.  Just exhausted from all the input from all the people.  So I just stopped.  The jury is still out but I think I’m happier without it.

Found Yik Yak and I’m laughing everyday listening to what I will call the younger generation and what they have to say.

New Look… Very Mobilly

Google is about to change it’s search results and make things better for the mobile friendly sites.  My site was not even close to being mobile friendly.  This one is.  Done.  🙂

20150314 is Born

Riding the train and another app worthy idea popped in my head.  Along with 20150309, I’ve now got two more functional ideas to get moving on!  This one is bit more utility but it’s something that I think would be useful; at least it would be for me.  I’m almost tempted to put it out there for free as well.

3D Printing Adventure

My daughter saw some 3D printouts at a little shop by us.  She mentioned they have have a 3D printer at school and she really liked it.  Of course that ended with “Dad, can I have a 3D printer”.  To which I replied “Hannah, it’s really complicated and expensive”.  Later on I started to look around and sort through all the different manufacturers, prices, types and what not.  This was totally new to me.  I kept coming back to Printrbot printers because it seemed that there was a lot of success, options and discussions for them.

Let me first say that price is an issue for me. I’m not going to invest a lot of money in a new thing and an unknown.  So the Simple and Simple Metal printers were on the list because of their price.  I’m geeky and when I saw that these came in Kit form and I could build them from scratch, I was hooked.  Purely on a price choice, I decided on the Printrbot Simple Kit (1405 rev F).  Here is what arrived:

DSC 1493  DSC 1495  

DSC 1498  DSC 1499

When they said it was a kit, they meant it!  This is latest revision and to be honest I was quite surprised at how small it was.  They have made the frame extremely affordable but provide great motors, an Extruder and circuitry.  But listen, if you are not comfortable with reading a lot of directions, don’t buy the kit, buy the pre-built one.  If I’m given clear instructions and good product I do fine.  This is not an easy build, but it’s a solid medium skill build.  You have to follow directions!  Because of how small it is, small mistakes with doom you.  For example, when they show you how to put on a zip tie and tell you to put the lumpy end in a certain position, you have to do it or something else won’t fit in a few steps further.

This project took me about 4-6 hours to complete.  I took my time and took breaks away from it.  I checked, re-checked and then checked again.  I had a printout of the instructions and I had online versions so I could zoom in on the pics to see the parts in detail.  This is laser cut wood but at a couple of points I had to gently nudge (small hammer) so pieces into place.  Be careful, you can break this wood very easily.

DSC 1501  DSC 1502

DSC 1503  DSC 1505

You can see in the above pictures the puzzle-piece looking wood parts that make up the frame.  The literally are put together like a puzzle with a couple of screws and hex nuts.  You can also see the bearings being held in place by zip ties.  I know it seems weird but it works great.  In the end this really is great hobbiest looking printer that works really well.

DSC 1507  DSC 1509

Above is one of the four motors that comes with the printer.  Three motors control the X, Y and Z axis movements.  The fourth motor controls the Extruder.  In the picture on the right you can see the red socked extruder with the filament feeder below it.  That is actually upside down right now.

DSC 1519  DSC 1520

Above you can see the base of the unit with the guide rods sticking up.  Those bearings on the base will have the guide rods of the printing plate going through them so it can move left to right along the X axis.  The 2nd photo is the printing unit and Z axis controls mounted onto the vertical guide rods.  Look at that mess of wires!

DSC 1521  DSC 1522

You can still see all the wires but in the 2nd picture they have been bounded up and are now running into the back of the base.  It is really tight with all the wires in the base.

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DSC 1531  DSC 1532

The above six photos is the Printrbot Simple Kit all complete.  I’m really impressed how this all came together and even more curious on how it would work.  I setup Cura as printing software on a Mac and followed the setup and leveling instructions.  On a great note, my leveling came out perfect on the first try and I was able to build the basic square block.  I followed it up with printing out the fan shroud for this unit as well.

Now as I said in the beginning, I’m a geek so I’m going all out with this thing.  Here is what else I have done and what is next:

1. Setup a Raspberry Pi computer with OctoPrint (OctoPi) so I can upload jobs to it and have it control the printer.

2. Configured the Raspberry Pi camera so I can watch the printer remotely.  I even printed out a Raspberry Pi Camera mount and mounted the camera to the printer.

3. I just ordered the $30 heated bed upgrade for this.  Hate using printer tape, wanna try this out.  Also ordered a ATX power supply for this and the Printrbot Metal Spool and Power Supply stand.

4. Time to start drawing and printing with my daughter!!!

20150309 Is Born

20150309, yes that is a date, is born.  Every once in awhile a thought comes across my mind for a development project.  I’ve always been interested in developing a game but never actually sat down to do it.  Well an idea came across about a month or so ago and it has stuck.  Just sat for about 30 minutes and collected a lot of thoughts on it and I like it.  I like it because it feels like something I’d like to play myself.  So for now “20150309” is potential candidate!  Gotta run, heading to the Monkey Factory!  And BTW, thanks LB & JM for the inspiration.

Farewell Facebook…

Big announcement to my FB friends that I was dropping off of FB.  Kind of sad and weird all at the same time.  Going to miss hear from a few of them on regular basis but will reach and see if I can just have direct messages and what not with them.  Anyway… it’s a new day and on to my new project/endeavor.  More news to come shortly.

Raspberry Pi – what a great system!

The Raspberry Pi 2 was just release and I had it show up on my doorstep last week.  It’s an amazing little system and I’m finding more and more use for them.  With a memory chip and a case they will run you about $60.  I’ve gone beyond what can one Raspberry Pi do, I am now on to multiple Pi’s each doing something specific.  Here is what I’m currently using them for:

Raspberry Pi B – The Miner

This is my first Raspberry Pi and it’s a B model.  It has a 16GB flash card and loaded with Weezy.  This is the host machine for a couple of Scrypt/Altcoin miners.  These three GAW miners run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week mining me Doge coins and other various items.

Raspberry Pi B – The Tinker

I’ve got this 32GB model B miner on a bread board assembly and us it to tinker around with some electronics fun.  It has an LCD module, pinout board, bread board, camera and other fun items.

Raspberry Pi B+ – The Door

I have a very secure setup to access my network, as talked about in a previous article.  But rather than having the secure access point going to one of my main servers, I have all the traffic received by this Pi.  This Pi then, via more secure methods, allows access to specific other machines.  It’s just one more layer of security to my network.

Raspberry Pi 2 – The Lost Shard

As of late I took this latest model, installed Mono and set it up as a RunUO server.  RunUO is an Ultima Online server emulator.  It’s great and RunUO community has done a great job with it.  It took a little tinkering but as of today I’ve finally got it running.  So now me and my daughter can explore the land of Briatnnia together.

Raspberry Pi – The Future…

I’ve got other things I want to do with Raspbery Pi’s.  With the recent kick in power with the Raspberry Pi 2, I want to get two more.  One to function as the heart of a Mame cabinet, and the other to function as a Minecraft server.

Microsoft SharePoint Development

At work we have MS SharePoint 2013 and I’m looking to orchestrate some processes with it.  As with most use cases, it starts with a custom list of information and you wrap forms, workflow and other crap around it.  I have one simple requirement that has lead me down a road of total crap!

My requirement is simple.  When someone adds a new item to the list I want it, based on the id of the new item, to create a URL.  This URL will take users directly to another part of SharePoint and pre-search/filter for related items.

After digging around in the Web UI and in SharePoint designer I was faced with the reality that I had to actually write code and deploy a solution.  The code, what I had to write, was all of 6 lines.  But in order to get VisualStudio ($$$$), get installed on one of the SharePoint servers, get all the permissions I needed to the server, SharePoint Farm, Collection and site was a nightmare.

This VisualStudio setup to develop SharePoint solutions is a nightmare!!!  I would like to kick who ever developed this ecosystem in the ass!!!

SSH into your home network

In a previous article I talked about how I safely opened an ssh port into my home network and server.  This is one of those thing you better get right, if you don’t then you’ve opened yourself up to all sorts of breaches and hacks.  The fact is that most homes don’t have strong networks and separation.  If an intruder gets on to the network then there is little to stop them.

I have spare Raspberry Pi sitting around and the idea came to me last weekend.  Why don’t I use that as my SSH server that is open to Internet?  If someone breaks onto it then no harm no foul.

  1. Choose a port other than 22 for SSH traffic.
  2. On the Raspberry Pi set it up to receive SSH traffic
    1. Installed Google Authenticator
    2. Required Google Authenticator Code before Password
    3. Enable SSH key override
  3. On the Raspberry Pi set it up to communicate to other servers
  4. The “other” servers should only accept traffic with SSH keys
  5. On the Raspberry Pi encrypt the key so you have to use a password to use it
  6. Make sure no other servers, laptops, desktops, etc allow remote access in your network.

This whole effort is based on create a small/single access point that is hard to get into and still requires more security to talk to other distinct points on your network.  If someone was able to gain access to my Raspberry Pi they would still have to do the following to get to my main server:

  1. Provide an encrypted password to use the SSH key
  2. Provide a password for the my account
  3. Provide two-factor authentication with my Google Authenticator

It’s an entry courtyard with another full set of securities.  And to top it off, I’ve got the Raspberry Pi being monitored so if there are any successful or failed attempts to access, it messages me on my phone.

If this all sounds complicated, it is.  My skills in this area are not novice but definitely not at the expert level.  If you don’t have to open your home network then don’t.  This is only because there are things I want to be able to get to.

Happy New Years!

Maybe it’s just me getting older but I’m more and more cynical about things.  New Years really gets on my nerves because it’s the great time of hope and optimism for about 1-2 weeks and then back to old rut and grind.  Well not this year!

Since New Years Day is on a Thursday I’m going to spend it doing what ever the hell I want to do and make no promises.  Then after that I promise to do something once a week that is out of the ordinary and note worthy.  Something I’ve always wanted to do, something I should do or what ever comes to mind.

If this works out like I plan then I should have a list of 53 (53 Thursdays in the year) that I’ve accomplished.  And then when I get to New Years Eve 2015/2016 I will celebrate the awesomeness that I’ve accomplished.

Now for all of my friends, I challenge you to do the same.  And who ever has the best list of 2015  I will award a fine bottled beverage of their desire.  Champagne?  Root Beer?  Bordeaux?  Miller Lite?  LOL.

Are you up to the challenge???  Stop being a loser with empty promises each year.  Be different, be winner with awesome achievements!!!!  🙂