Book Review – Head First, WordPress

I’ve been using, off and on, WordPress to maintain a blog of what is going on.  My advanced skill (joking) has gotten me to the point of being able to add entries and tag them.  I stumble through the setup but really relied upon the Cpanel to install it on my site and then the […]

TSA – Bottled Water Absurdity

I recently just took a trip with my family and the experience of going through the airport was amusing.  I have two kids and one stroller which translates to a lot of baby necessities.  I have small aluminum canisters that hold about 10 ounces milk and use them to keep the milk cold for up […]

Book Review – iPad: The Missing Manual

I recently joined the O’Reilly Blogger Review program and this is the first book I chose to review.  The entire “Missing Manual” series is dedicated to providing a solid users manual for a given product.  This one is dedicated for the iPad and it does a very good job at providing a broad overview of […]

Week #2 with the iPad

It’s Friday and I’m on my way home. As I sit here on the train I feel like I’ve kicked my iPad into 2nd gear this week. Apple’s iBook app is great but the prices of the books at the store are a little high. I bought my first novel ebook from Amazon (epub) and […]

A week with the iPad

I’ve had my iPad now for a week and so far it’s been great. There are a couple things I don’t like but overall I’m both impressed and happy. Let me start out with the the things I don’t like. iPhone only apps: the little mini screen drives me a crazy and only a few […]

I’m a happy iPad owner!

When I got home from work today I found my iPad sitting at my front door. I’ve started to mess around with it and I’m so glad that I bought it. I’ve got my base apps installed, the 3G activated, wi-fi to my home network on, Mobile Me configured, email account setup, and my Gelaskin […]

Oh where are these iPads?

I’m anxiously awaiting my 3G iPad but something dawned on me, I haven’t seen one in the open. I ride a commuter train each day to and from Chicago and I would expect to see some city chic person with one. Plus I live in what would be considered an upscale neighborhood and would expect […]

I iPad therefore I am…

After riding the rails for a good amount of time I broke down and decided to plunge into iPad land.  I’m still not sold on the costs of the 3G contract and it bothers me that I would have to pay for both my iPhone and iPad.  But then again I know how I am […]

To iPad or not to iPad?

Here I am riding the train and writing this on my iPhone. It works but it’s not very fast. But how much easier would it be on an iPad? I do believe that I would spend less time hitting the backspace button because the virtual keyboard is larger. I’m severely doubt that I would be […]