While in love with my little b&w Mac, I was also messing around at work with color systems. The LC II, the IIsi, the IIci and a Quadra 700 were some of the first system we had at the store. Eventually I ended up buying a IIsi from another co-worker and it had a 12″ color monitor too. It was a great system and one of the first ones that I actually used to get online. I also started to mess around with connecting with serial cables and AppleTalk cables with the my little system. I learned a few things on this:
- I loathed constraints! The 12″ color ran at 512×384 while the 13″ ran at 640×480. Not a big deal except games started coming out requiring the 13″ resolution.
- The IIsi had a weird propriety expansion port. It wasn’t Nubus so I really couldn’t add anything to it. No expandability sucked!
- With two systems, I wanted to be able to connect and share between them. AppleTalk was a start but it was painfully slow.
But what can I say. I had a color system and it was still an upgrade and a lot of fun.