Gabe is an excellent speaker and he knows his stuff. He uses solid, real world examples to communicate and even after the first 30 minutes I found myself still ready to click on to watch the next segment. The power of understanding and embodying gamication really equates to building a solid group of core customers (players) that are loyal to your product. I find it ironic that I’m watching and writing a review for this for O’Reilly and many of the reasons that I participate on O’Reilly is touched on in this video. I’m an O’Reilly blogger because it gives me access to materials. I answer and participate on O’Reilly Answer in part because of status (badges).
What I really like about this is that Gabe has taken and interesting subject and now presents it in a way that allows you to digest easily and more quickly. If you are interested in this topic then it’s worth the time watch this video course.